Falling chart. Lowering expenses

4 ways coworking can help you lower your business expenses

Brought to you by SoBeCoWorks

Running a business is no cheap endeavor

The expenses do pile up, with rent, utilities, equipment, insurance and on and on, it sometimes feels like you’re working to just to pay the bills.

Here are 4 ways to lower expenses with CoWorking

  • Rent
    • Rents/spaces at a CoWorking space are generally much lower than traditional rental spaces.
  • Equipment costs
    • CoWorking spaces will have at least shared printers, usually free coffee and some may have copiers, meeting spaces and more. None of this you have to buy. So basically, bring your laptop and cell phone and you’re ready to work.
  • Utilities
    • If you work from home and pay utilities, they will be higher with you working from home, whereas, at a CoWorking space its all inclusive.
  • Second eyes
    • If you are sending out emails, postcards or other marketing material, you can have another CoWorker take a look over it and check for errors BEFORE you send it out and pay for printing.
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