Annoyed woman

Dealing with rude CoWorkers: Chatty Cathy or Carl

Brought to you by SoBeCoWorks

The first in a series of people you may run into at any workplace

Who is Chatty Cathy/Carl?

They are the ones, no they do not have to be named Cathy or Carl, that will talk far more than they work. Either to you or to others in the space where you can overhear them.

What do you do?

Be nice, but politely tell chatty co-workers to go away, right when they show up at your desk wanting to talk. You can use an innocent white lie, like saying you’re on deadline or tell them you have only five minutes before you need to make a phone call. You can also send physical cues with your body language. When a talker arrives at your dest unannounced, continue typing for a bit before you look up, and they’ll know you’re probably not really free.

The best and most undeniable option is… “I have work to do,”

One thing you don’t want to do, especially in these days, is to not offend someone as that can end up looking bad for you. If someone does not take the hints, you may need to go above them to get their attention about the situation.

What are your thoughts on this post, do you have any tips or horror stories to share? Let us know below.

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