Dealing with rude CoWorkers: The Loud Talker

Brought to you by SoBeCoWorks

The second in a series of people you may run into at any workplace

Who is the Loud Talker?

Well, I think the title says it all. Heck, it may not even be a CoWorker, it may be a friend or family member or even some guy on the bus. We all know of someone who talks, for whatever reason, so loud everyone in the building can hear them.

Although, this can come from other areas as well. The person who blows their nose and it really does sound like a ships horn or the one with the really loud laugh for no reason.

What do you do?

Be nice again, because this may be an issue that is literally natural to them. I have a neighbor whose voice is so deep and bass that even when he is trying to be quiet…his voice carries through our walls.

Ask yourself, “Why are you annoyed by this?” Is it truly interfering with your work? Are you in a bad mood because you were running late because you spilled coffee? Take these into account as you do not want to come off as the bad guy/woman.

Keep in mind, they are not “bad” people, just annoying and remember that either they do know of the issue (but it’s literally part of them) or they have been chastised about it before and they may be offended if you just start telling them to knock it off.

Try to be sympathetic and in the calmest voice you can, go to them and simply say, “I’m sorry John. Your voice carries all the way over to the other side of the office. Can you try to real it in? I’m not saying you need to whisper but I just typed the last three things you said into my report.” Yes, a bit of humor at the end may help.

Similar tactics may work with other types as well, just be nice and understanding.

What are your thoughts on this post, do you have any tips that worked for you or horror stories to share? Let us know below.

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