Dealing with rude CoWorkers: The Mansplainer

Brought to you by SoBeCoWorks

The third in a series of people you may run into at any workplace

Who is the “Mansplainer”?

This is the guy, in general, who feels he has to “explain” everything in it’s simplest terms so you can understand them. In general, this is done to women but as a form of sarcasm, is also done to other men.

Another option for the mansplainer is the guy whom, right after you have finished saying something, feels that he must “re explain” it to the others in the room.

What do you do?

Be nice again, but assert yourself. “Joe, I can clearly get my ideas and thoughts out without your intervention.” is not a bad option. If you really can not get this person to stop, you may need to go over their head.

You can also try, “I’ve noticed that you frequently interrupt or try to talk over me when I’m speaking. I need you to let me finish before interjecting.”

Sadly, there are those who may not listen no matter what. At this point you need to consider escalating further, directly to HR maybe.

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